Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sieger update

I know everyone loves a newborn baby, but I am loving each day with Siege more and more the older he gets. These days, at almost 8 months old, he is doing the cutest things! He's recently discovered his voice, and apparently he really likes it, because he screams and babbles all day long. He also can make farting noises with his tongue. He especially likes to do this while he's eating to ensure I'm covered with peas and sweet potato by the end of his meal.

He is cruising around in his walker like a champ! He can navigate that thing under tables, on the carpet, down the hall, and in the bathroom. He loves to pull out momma's cabinet drawers and throw the dish towels onto the floor. Nadi takes cover every time I put him in his walker. She's been ambushed a few times.

My favorite thing about this stage is how interested he is in me (typical woman right?). I can get him to crack a smile and laugh all the time. Siege reaches for me to pick him up now. I love that I can comfort him immediately with a hug and a kiss.

Toys, Toys, Toys. The boy is in constant need of stimulation. Anything he can find he picks up. He loves the TV remote. And although he's not crawling he seems to get where he wants by rolling around. I'm not sure he's going to be much of a crawler. He is standing up with the support of the couch or he'll hold on to my leg, not pulling himself up yet though.

As of Sunday, he is officially swaddle free. Chris thought he would use that thing until he was 7 years old. His naps have been great ever since. He takes two 1-2 hour naps each day. Siege can also put his binkie in his mouth now which is awesome! During the night, I'll throw a few in the crib and he'll find one if his falls out and go right back to sleep.

Lately he's been spending a lot of time in grandma's pool. He doesn't seem to hate it too bad. I'm sure as the weather gets a little warmer he'll enjoy it more.

We've got a few trips planned for the summer. Siege and I leave for Chicago in about 3 weeks. This will be Siege's first trip. Hopefully he's not too terrible! Unfortunately, Chris has to work so we are going to miss daddy big time! Luckily I will be traveling with family so I'm sure I'll have lots of help. We'll be gone for 1 week. Then, at the end of June all of us are headed to San Diego with some friends for another week.

I am really appreciating all the time I get to spend with my Sieger Bear. It is such a blessing to be able to watch him grow and change each day.

1 comment:

Jamie Giff said...

He looks just like Chris in that second video!!