Wednesday, June 6, 2012

BG Update

These last few weeks have been filled with ups and downs, but for the most part we are doing well. Chris and I are so thankful for all the prayers and support we've been given and are truly in awe of the generosity of the human spirit.

 Since BG's initial diagnosis we have been to two ultrasounds. Both times the doctor seemed optimistic. Last week when I went the lung mass measured the same and today when I went the lung mass had grown a few millimeters. If the mass gets bigger by my next appointment I will get another set of steroid shots. The doctor said that "hydrops," which is when the heart's main vein gets compressed and fluid builds up, is what we have to fear most. This is a complication that occurs when the mass in the lung continually grows and puts pressure on the other organs. So far, no hydrops are present. I finally got the courage to ask what happens after delivery if BG's mass does NOT resolve before delivery. Doc said that there will be a pediatric surgery team in the room when I deliver. If BG can breath on his/her own then the doctors may leave the mass in the lung because there is a chance the mass can dissolve after birth, otherwise they can remove the mass after delivery. We are still praying that the mass will dissolve but mostly that BG doesn't develop hydrops and the BG gets nice and comfortable in there for the next 3 plus months so the other lung lobes have plenty of opportunity to develop fully.

 The last few weeks have been pretty busy for us. We had the opportunity to travel to Utah with some friends and we had a great time. Siege loved riding the four wheelers all around and we went on this beautiful hike through water.

We have a camping trip coming up in a few weeks at Mt. Charleston that we're pretty excited about.  Until the doctor gives me restrictions we're just going to keep up with our normal schedule and routine.  Keeping busy actually makes me feel the most stress free, it's when I get a little too much down time that my mind starts to wander and I get thinking a little too far ahead of myself. Yoga has been great to me these last few weeks.  I've pretty much been doing it everyday and it really helps me to focus and my flexibility has improved 10 fold!  I can almost touch my toes.

Siege has been quite the little joy lately.  He's in the imitation phase and will copy everything chris or I do.  I was watching a "Friends" episode the other day and there was a make out scene.  Next thing I know, my 1 1/2 year old is making kissing sounds over and over again.  I guess we've finally gotten to the point where I can't watch my shows anymore while he's in the room with me.  Sesame Street and Barney (his absolute favorite) have taken over completely.  Siege has also become quite the little helper.  He can know feed Nadi pretty much by himself.  We scoop the food out for him but he carries the bowl back for her.  He also is pretty good with helping switch the laundry over and emptying the dishwasher.  I'm sure chores will get a little tougher to enforce when he realizes that he doesn't want to do these things, but for now it sure is cute.   Everyday I thank God I have Siege.  I am one lucky mama.