Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Great Communicator

Siege is finally getting to the point where he can communicate. No, he's not talking yet, but he knows a few signs: "Milk", "all done", and his absolute favorite "more". The kid wants "more" of everything! More Food, more spinning on his swing, more toys. He also has a few tricks that he can do on command like, "show me your tongue" and "turn around" and "beso" (he's bilingual) and "where's your belly button?" and "where's your head?" and "stomp your feet". I know, I know I'm bragging, but I really do have the smartest kid on the planet. He understands me now when I talk, which is so refreshing after you've been talking to yourself for the past year. Although, we're still working on "No". He gets this devilish look in his eyes and the biggest smile every time he's doing something he shouldn't be. I've tried time out, but he just gives me that same smile and look, like he enjoys the negative attention. I've definitely got my hands full.

I've been getting pretty spoiled lately. My hubby had a daddy-son day while I got to go to the Palms and have a spa day. I got a massage and a pedicure and some much needed quiet time. The weather has been so beautiful here lately, so Siege and I have been taking advantage! We've been playing outside in the backyard everyday, going for walks, and of course the park.

Siege got some quality time with Grandma and Grandpa at Red rock yesterday. They enjoyed the beautiful weather outside, while I got to go shopping! There's nothing better than having your family close by. Here are a few pictures from their adventure. Life is good.

He loves everything about the car, the steering wheel, the buttons, the music.