Tuesday, November 20, 2012

We did it...

The day I finished my thesis for my masters program, a few years back, I had this incredible feeling of accomplishment.  I remember getting it bound together, mailing it in and thinking, "I did it! I doubted myself a few times throughout the process, but I made it!"
A giant weight was lifted off of my shoulders and in that moment I felt like I could do anything.
This is exactly how a parent feels the day they can say, 
"My child is potty trained."
The Loot

And what a roller coaster of emotions potty training is...

1. Is it the right time??

2. Am I putting too much pressure on him??

3.  Oh, he totally gets it!!!!!

4.  This is a disaster. What were we thinking?!
5. Are we giving him too much candy?
6. Our child is a genius.
7. Am I going to have to bring Siege's elmo potty everywhere we go?

8.  I think I just scarred our kid for life.

9.  Do you have to go potty? Do you have to pee pee? Siege, what do you say when you have to pee pee? Do you have to go now? How about now??
10.  "Mama, mama- pee pee!!"

After getting advice from every person I knew on potty training, we decided to go for it.  Incase you're curious the website linked below is what we had the most success with.  
That's right folks, Sieger Bear is officially potty trained!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Life with 2 kids...

Milo is one month old.  And I know moms say this all the time, but really where does the time go??

1. Pause the Clock-

 I remember not being able to wait until Siege grew into the next phase.
                    "Just make it until 2 months and it will get easier."
                    "Chris, when do you think he'll start laughing?"
                    "When do you think I'll be able to sleep longer than 3 hours in a row?"
With Milo, I literally started tearing up at the thought of having to put him in size 1 diapers.
                    "Chris, he'll never be in newborn size again..."
And every day that passes makes me want to cling to his 'sleep all day', snuggly, 'can't hold my head up' phase of life.  There is something about a brand new baby that makes everyone's heart melt.  Sometimes at night I'll just stare at him in amazement, because he's so tiny.

2.  Super Mommy-

When Siege turned 1 month old, Chris and I looked at each other with amazement.  We were so proud we managed to keep him alive an entire month!  We worried over everything.  If he made even the slightest peep I'd rush over to pick him up.  When Milo cries I think, "Kid, is that the best you got?"
With Siege I remember asking my mom to watch him so that I could take a shower.  As if Siege was going to run out the back door of the house or something.  This time around I feel so much more confident about everything.  I don't have to second guess myself every time he cries.  I already know the differences between his 'I'm hungry' 'I'm gassy,' and his 'My brother just picked me up and dropped me' cries.

3.  Super Daddy-

Chris is super duper Dad.  Chris was pretty much afraid to touch Siege.  He didn't even really change his diaper until he was about 4 months old.  I mostly did everything for Siege because I felt like I was more efficient at it (and yes, everyone told me not to do that).  With Milo, I don't really have a choice.  There are two kids and there's two of us- and we make a damn good team.  Chris and Siege have had some really great father-son time and everyday he tells Milo all about how he's going to be a daddy's boy.

4.  Super Siege-

I am shocked at how well Siege has adjusted to life with Milo.  It seems like he already can't remember the days where it was just him and me.  He constantly wants to help by giving him his binky or grabbing me the burp cloth.  He always lets me know when Milo's crying.  A friend of mine came over to visit.  She held Milo (who was hungry and ready to eat) and Milo started crying.  Siege freaked out.  He was genuinely concerned that she might steal our baby.  "Mama, Ah-wo (Siege's name for Milo), Mama, Ah-wo!!!" And Siege didn't stop crying until I took Milo from her.  Siege loves taking baths with Ah-wo too.  And yes, he has even picked up and dropped his brother already.

So overall, we are loving life with two kiddos.  We certainly don't get as much sleep, and grocery shopping is quite the ordeal, but it has brought us all closer together.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Milo's Birth Story

On the morning of September 17, two days before my scheduled induction, I  started having what I thought were contractions. I told Chris before he left for work, "Babe- today could be the day!"   To which he responded, "Yeah, yeah, yeah...you've said that the last two weeks!"
In all honesty, I had been saying that the last two weeks. I had contractions on and off for weeks! By 12:30 pm I started timing my contractions on my phone app. I called Chris and he was pretty insistent on having me go to the hospital. At this point I still wasn't sure it was the real thing because I wasn't in any pain. I called my mom & mother in law to give them a heads up & get my baby sitters for siege in place. They both came strait home from work.  By 2pm I was convinced I wasn't really in labor, my mom was convinced I was. She finally talked me in to calling my doctors office to see what he would suggest. The nurse said to go to the hospital if 

A. You are in intense pain (which I wasn't)
B. My contractions were consistently 4-5 min apart (mine weren't)
C. Your water breaks (definite no)
D. You have more than 6 contractions in an hour 

So, I decided to count how many contractions I had from 2:30-3:30. I had 7. We headed to the hospital- knowing that if I got sent home, I could at least say that the doctor told me to come.  I always envisioned myself getting driven to the hospital and  sitting in the passenger seat doing my deep breathing exercises (like they always do in the movies). I did NONE of that. I felt way too comfortable to be going to the hospital to have a baby.  I even made my mom leave all of our bags in the car. 

It was 4:00 pm when I got there. The nurses looked at me with doubtful eyes. They were pretty sure I wasn't staying based on my completely normal demeanor. I checked into triage and the nurse hooked me up to the monitors. All of a sudden, the contractions started to get a little more intense. She checked me and was shocked to find out I was dilated to 5 CM. 

I immediately got on the phone and told Chris to get to the hospital. They wheeled me into the delivery room and got all my paperwork going.  

I knew the pain was getting more intense because I had to stop giving them information and began breathing through my contractions. 
The next thing I knew my water broke. I started to panic because I knew this baby was coming fast. At 5:30pm Chris arrived. I got my epidural shortly after.  By 6:20 the entire push team was set up and ready and my Ob Gyn came strolling in.  

At 6:39 pm we heard our little miracle cry. It was the most beautiful sound.
They immediately  whisked Milo off to the nursery and began to run their tests.  I cried. For two long hours I waited and prayed that I'd be bringing my healthy baby to post partum with me.

The nurse came in to move me from the delivery room to post partum and I was devastated. I hadn't even really been able to see Milo yet. She decided she'd skip protocol and make a pit stop at the nursery so that I could see him.

As I wheeled in, the results from the scan came back and the nurses were getting instructions from my pediatrician.

He was perfect.

The tests came back completely clear and he was coming back to the room with me. We were discharged 2 days later.

This pregnancy has changed me.  I will never forget the spiritual journey I've experienced these past 9 months.  I will never underestimate the power of prayer and I will forever be grateful to God for allowing me to be the mother of our little miracle, Milo Christopher.

Friday, August 31, 2012

9 months pregnant: A day in the life...

People take care of you when your pregnant. 
Scene 1: at Golden Spoon Frozen Yogurt-

Me (super pregnant & caving into one of the many sweet cravings I've had the past 9 months): I'll take half peanut butter cup, half caramel  please.
Golden spoon worker: Any toppings?
Me: Yes!! Yes!! I'll take peanut butter cups and hot fudge please!
Golden spoon worker: Peanut butter cups AND hot fudge? Do u want the fudge on top of it too??
Lady behind me in line: Just give her the hot fudge- look at her for goodness sake!!

Scene 2:  Me chasing siege around like a crazy women; possibly one tantrum away from going into labor.

Me: Siege, sit down and stay here!!
Siege: Whaaaaaaa!!! Whaaaaa!!!
DMV worker: Wow, you've got ur hands full!
My dad: Yeah, she's having her new baby just in time. He sure is spoiled!!!
Me: Yes, my hands are full: I've got a 2 year old, a baby due in 3 weeks, and a 66 year old...
DMV worker: We'll get you out of here as soon as we can ma'am!

Scene 3: At a friend's house for lady's night- eating dinner and watching a movie

Tricia: I made cupcakes!!
Me: oh baby those look good!!
Tricia: They're black bottom
Cupcakes with chocolate, cream cheese, chocolate chips...
Me: (completely lost focus and am just staring at the cupcakes) can I have a muffin please?
Tricia: They're cupcakes
Me: oh yeah, can I have a cupcake?

People chatting and laughing...

Lee Ann: Wow! Those went fast!
Me: I had three muffins...
Me: What sounds better, "I ate 3 muffins" or "I ate 3 cup cakes??"
Tricia: Muffins it is!

Scene 4: At child's play with siege

One of the mom's there (we'll call her Judy):
Oh you're pregnant- congrats! What are you having??
Me: We don't know- its a surprise!
Judy: Oh. I could NEVER do that. I'M a PLANNER!!!!
Me in my head: Really? Was that an insult?? Do people automatically assume ur a slacker who doesn't plan stuff if you wait to find out the sex?
Me out loud: Yeah- I'm totally a fly by the seat of my pants kind of girl!!

Scene 5:  6:00 am- siege is awake in his room

Me: Chris are you gonna go get him?
Chris: I would if there weren't icicles dripping off my pillow.
Me: huh??
Chris: it's FREEZING in here!!
Me: I was just gonna tell you to turn on the fan!!!
Chris: I've resorted to having Nadi sleep on top of me every night just to stay warm under her fur coat!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


The moment we got our amazing news about BG... the nesting began.  I think prior to that I was too nervous and worried to get anything done, but as soon as the doc told me everything looked great it was as if something shocked the inside of my brain and said, "Hey- you're going to have a baby in about a month and half and you should probably get some diapers and stuff."

I also never really had an opportunity to "nest" with Siege because he came 6 weeks early and I wasn't even living in a house- we were waiting for our house to be built and I stayed with my mom for the first 2 months of Siege's life.  By the time we got in our home, I just threw up a few pictures and called it a day.

So for the past 3 weeks we, and I say "we" meaning my super talented mother and work horse hubby, have been running around like crazy getting everything ready.  I think I've been to Jo Ann Fabrics more in the past month than I have the past 5 years.  My mom has sewed and sewed and Chris just keeps saying things like, "When is this nesting going to be over?!" and "There's got to be a club for men called, 'Look what Pinterest Project my wife's making me do now' and I think I could be the president of that club."

But I'm thrilled to say BG's room is officially done!  And making a gender neutral room that isn't totally boring, is quite the task.  My brain is still in a pretty good funk from it all.  I went to buy a "Take Baby Home from the hospital" outfit a few days ago.  I found what I thought was a super cute boy outfit in about 3 seconds.  I have tons of boy stuff: toys, clothes, balls, even boy books.  I got the boy-momma roll down!

This entire pregnancy I have completely refrained from buying ANYTHING girl.  But I figured I should probably buy one take home outfit, just incase.  It literally took me 45 minutes to find it and I don't even LOVE it.  Who knew buying girl stuff was so tough?  Then I started thinking this one little outfit is not going to work without a bow, and then- if I have a girl I'm going to need things like diaper covers and bracelets.  The mere thought was a little overwhelming, so I left the store with just the one measly, semi cute newborn outfit and figured my friends with little girls would help me out if BG is a girl.

So here it is, BG's nursery...

Our super green crib!

My mom made all the bedding!

 Hard at work hubby!

Is BG a boy or a girl??  My outfit dilemma!
Oh, and Siege's big brother art project he made for BG is pictured above the shelf.

Reading corner: My talented mamasita recovered the chair!

BG's special scripture on the wall

 Super excited big brother!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Samuel 1:27

We prayed for this Child and the Lord granted us what we asked of Him.
Samuel 1:27

The weekly ultrasounds have zapped the fun out of this pregnancy.  Each week sitting in the waiting room of the high risk doctor's office, I felt as if a new bomb was about to be dropped on me and I had to mentally prepare myself for the worse.  I tried to remind myself that whatever the doctor was about to reveal to me, was already happening in my body and KNOWING the information wasn't going to change the situation, but I have come to realize that ignorance is bliss.  Today, was like the rest of the appointments.  I sat nervously waiting for the nurse to call my name and when she did I headed to get BG's lung mass measured... again.   The ultrasound technician checked for extra fluid around the baby and any signs of hydrops first (the early signs of heart failure in the baby) and didn't find any, then moved to the lung mass.  But to our surprise she couldn't find it.  She told me that the mass was not standing out like it normally does and she couldn't see exactly what to measure.  Next she called for another technician to see if she was missing something.  That nurse came in and said, "I don't see anything.  What side was it on?  I'll go get the doctor."
When Dr. I came in he said it looked like the mass had disappeared.  He scanned the area around the lung and said, "There may be something small hiding under the heart, we won't know until a CT scan is taken at birth, but I think you're in the clear!  You guys should celebrate!"

I immediately started to bawl.  I felt like my heart had exploded with joy and thankfulness.  I know that the doctor had told me at 22 weeks that the mass could spontaneously resolve itself, but after weeks of "It looks like it's grown" and "No Change" I started to assume our BG would be born with a large mass in his/her lung.  I certainly did not think it would go from a large mass I could pick out every appointment to undetectable on the screen, in a matter of one week.

So, after I cried all the tears left in my body, nearly risking dehydration, we are definitely celebrating!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

God's plan for our family

Wednesday marks the 30-week pregnancy mark, which is pretty fantastic news!  

While this summer has been filled with repeated hospital visits and doctors appointments- one thing is for sure... My faith has never been stronger.  Thank you; thank you for all your prayers and words of encouragement.  I feel like I have definitely been on a spiritual journey this past year and while this pregnancy has brought me months of concern and worry it has also revealed a new part of myself that has brought Chris and me closer to the Lord.  

At the end of June my dad went into cardiac arrest and had to be resuscitated with CPR and a defibrillator.  His kidneys and brain suffered some very intense trauma that has led the doctors to conclude he has suffered some brain damage.  Visiting my dad at the hospital has been an emotional roller coaster these last few weeks.  He was intubated and sedated for 2 weeks and when he finally came off the sedation it was clear he was not himself.  However, we have since seen a pretty consistent improvement in his cognitive abilities.  He will soon be moved to a rehabilitation center where he will hopefully continue to improve both physically as well as mentally.  My brother has been by my dad's side daily advocating for his best care.  Watching my brother take on this responsibility with such love and devotion has given me a new found appreciation for him and has brought our family closer together.

When BG was first diagnosed with CCAM a very good friend of mine sent me a set of comfort cards.  Each day you read a new card with a different message.  Sometimes they have scriptures and other times just positive thoughts for the day.  Last week, after a very difficult day at the hospital visiting with my dad, I came home to the following card,
         “In God’s Plan, Every Life is Long Enough.  Although you and I might wish for a longer life, God knows better.”
We continue to pray for my dad’s mental and physical health and trust God’s plan for our family.

The past few weeks have shown no growth in BG’s lung mass, which is pretty positive news.  My OBGYN let me know at my last visit that the plan will be to induce labor at 39 weeks, on a weekday, in the daytime so that all the necessary surgeons and physicians will be ready and waiting for our little miracle. 
BG saying prayers in my belly!

Besides being at the doctor’s office and hospital this past month and a half, we also went on our first camping trip!  We all had so much fun.  Siege was entertained for hours just playing with dirt!  We went on hikes and nature walks with the kiddos, made some pretty great meals and enjoyed spending time with some really close friends.  I can definitely see our family getting into camping!  We might even be looking into pop up tent trailers for next summer. 
Little Campers

First dutch oven meal- chocolate cake!  Siege couldn't wait!

I also had the opportunity to attend a MOPS retreat at the end of June, where the MOPS leadership team worked together to plan events and meetings for the upcoming year.   I really enjoyed getting to know the wonderful women at the retreat and I’m so thankful for the joy, friendship, and faith that MOPS has brought to my life. 

Siege went to his very first movie last week where he got to watch Yogi Bear.  I was pretty shocked by how well he did!  He’s also loved this monsoon season of rain we’ve been getting and is so curious about the falling “Agua” from the sky. 
Yogi Bear
Loving the rain!

In other news, Chris has been working relentlessly on Siege’s new big boy room.  I can’t wait to post pictures of the finished product.  It tuned out amazing.  My hubby is one talented guy.  It looks like we will be transitioning to a new big boy bed and room next week!  Eeeek!  

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

BG Update

These last few weeks have been filled with ups and downs, but for the most part we are doing well. Chris and I are so thankful for all the prayers and support we've been given and are truly in awe of the generosity of the human spirit.

 Since BG's initial diagnosis we have been to two ultrasounds. Both times the doctor seemed optimistic. Last week when I went the lung mass measured the same and today when I went the lung mass had grown a few millimeters. If the mass gets bigger by my next appointment I will get another set of steroid shots. The doctor said that "hydrops," which is when the heart's main vein gets compressed and fluid builds up, is what we have to fear most. This is a complication that occurs when the mass in the lung continually grows and puts pressure on the other organs. So far, no hydrops are present. I finally got the courage to ask what happens after delivery if BG's mass does NOT resolve before delivery. Doc said that there will be a pediatric surgery team in the room when I deliver. If BG can breath on his/her own then the doctors may leave the mass in the lung because there is a chance the mass can dissolve after birth, otherwise they can remove the mass after delivery. We are still praying that the mass will dissolve but mostly that BG doesn't develop hydrops and the BG gets nice and comfortable in there for the next 3 plus months so the other lung lobes have plenty of opportunity to develop fully.

 The last few weeks have been pretty busy for us. We had the opportunity to travel to Utah with some friends and we had a great time. Siege loved riding the four wheelers all around and we went on this beautiful hike through water.

We have a camping trip coming up in a few weeks at Mt. Charleston that we're pretty excited about.  Until the doctor gives me restrictions we're just going to keep up with our normal schedule and routine.  Keeping busy actually makes me feel the most stress free, it's when I get a little too much down time that my mind starts to wander and I get thinking a little too far ahead of myself. Yoga has been great to me these last few weeks.  I've pretty much been doing it everyday and it really helps me to focus and my flexibility has improved 10 fold!  I can almost touch my toes.

Siege has been quite the little joy lately.  He's in the imitation phase and will copy everything chris or I do.  I was watching a "Friends" episode the other day and there was a make out scene.  Next thing I know, my 1 1/2 year old is making kissing sounds over and over again.  I guess we've finally gotten to the point where I can't watch my shows anymore while he's in the room with me.  Sesame Street and Barney (his absolute favorite) have taken over completely.  Siege has also become quite the little helper.  He can know feed Nadi pretty much by himself.  We scoop the food out for him but he carries the bowl back for her.  He also is pretty good with helping switch the laundry over and emptying the dishwasher.  I'm sure chores will get a little tougher to enforce when he realizes that he doesn't want to do these things, but for now it sure is cute.   Everyday I thank God I have Siege.  I am one lucky mama.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Miracle baby

Sometimes when people get bad or good news or any news, for that matter, they hold it close to their heart. They let it sink in and marinade for a while before sharing it, even then, with only the closest of friends.  God has never given me that ability.  He has never blessed me with the skill of secrecy (as many of the people closest to me know). I have this need to get my emotional frustrations off my chest immediately- trapping me in if I don't.  Of course this method of message delivery comes with consequences. I blurt out things way too fast and my words are out for the world to know and never return to my personal thoughts, sometimes hurting people in the process.  But it has also come with many blessings. I make friends, good friends, quickly.  I connect and identify with others and it somehow lessens my burden. I have come to realize that one of my gifts from God is this need and ability to connect with people. Today I'm in much need of burden lessen-ing. 

This morning Chris and I headed to our 22 week ultrasound appointment. I'm not typically a worrier, so I assumed everything would be exciting and boring. Nothing about this appointment was boring.  The sonographer checked out all the usual body parts and took measurements.  "BG" (baby Gifford) is very wiggly and hard to tie down.  We "ooooh-ed" and "aaahh-ed" at what seemed to be another hyper active child in my womb.  When our sonographer got to the lungs she saw something that looked "different" to her.  She told us that one of the lungs looked larger and lighter on the scan than the other. Then she went to get my doctor. That's when I knew something was wrong.  My doctor immediately suggested I see a high risk pregnancy specialist and didn't give me hardly any information.  He set the appointment up with the specialist within the hour. This made me even more worried.  We drove strait to the specialist office where I was greeted with a very kind and thorough staff. 

BG has been diagnosed with Type 3 Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation of the Lung (CCAM). It is a very rare lung malformation. So rare that it only occurs in about 1 in 25,000 pregnancies. 
Basically what that means is one of BG's lung lobes (there are 3 lobes total) is abnormally large and not developing properly, so large that BG's heart is being pushed to the right side.  40-50% of the time the lung lobe clears up prior to delivery.  It is imperative that the lung clears prior to delivery. There is no in utero surgery to fix this problem (type 3 CCAM). If BG comes prior to the lung clear up it will most likely be fatal.  Doctor's  orders are to surround myself with positivity and a Stress free environment (quite the task after a day like today). He told me that yoga can cut pregnancy stress in half or something crazy like that and that I'm supposed to eat a lot of eggs and broccoli for the choline that has some type of stress reliever in it. 
Today I received a steroid shot that can help decrease the lung's size. I will be given another shot tomorrow. I will be given ultrasounds weekly to monitor the lung and heart. The doctor should be able to see in 2-4 weeks if the lung is decreasing in size or getting bigger.  Pre term labor is not an option which makes me even more of a risky case because of my premature delivery with Siege.  I will definitely be delivering at Summerlin hospital because it has a level 3 NICU.  Anything that can lead to preterm labor is out of the question.  

We are  devastated.  I think I saw my husband cry for the 3rd time in our 10 year relationship.  And he saw me cry for the 10th time today.  Our emotions are beat up.  Just last week I was telling Chris that our life was a little "too" perfect- too good to be true and that I kept feeling like some loom of darkness was about to hit at any moment. So it has.  

We are praying every second that this miracle child will be a little fighter and hang in there long enough for this lung malformation to clear.  But we find comfort knowing that BG is in God's hands and control.  I hope that, when the day comes, I can be strong enough to accept that.  
We could really use some extra prayers right now.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sweating bullets already...

May 15 in Las Vegas and it feels like summer is really upon us.  I keep telling Chris that I'm not sure how I'm going to make it this summer.  The heat is already pretty much unbearable to me (unless we're in the pool) and we haven't even hit 100 yet.  I'm in trouble and so is our electricity bill.

Speaking of pool, we have been swimming quite a bit already.  Abuelita found some really great toys for Siege to play with while he's swimming at her house and every time we head over there he runs strait for the pool.  He seems to have gotten his fear of cold water from daddy though.  While other toddlers that we have our play dates with dive right in, it definitely takes Siege a little longer to adjust and start having fun.  I'm going to get him a new floaty for the pool today and see what he thinks of it.  

I am absolutely loving Siege's new independent stage.  He can actually entertain himself for a while now. He loves his ipad, the backyard, his giant leggos, tools, and marble track.

Lately he's really started to love  his books.  I've always read him stories before nap time and bed time, but recently he's gotten picky and wants to read only certain ones.  His favorite story is, "I'm a big brother" and he's constantly signing "more" each time I finish it.  I'm hoping his love of books and stories continues.  It would be really great to have a little reader.

In other news, we have finally gotten rid of the pacifier.  Hallelujah!  It was one really tough day and a few nights of having to put him back in his bed, but besides that it wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be.  I love NOT having to bring a binkie with me everywhere I go.  The next big task will be moving rooms and transitioning from his crib to a toddler bed.

The older and more independent that Siege gets the more I find myself feeling like I can handle a little more on my plate.  Come September I'm adding quite a bit to my plate, because not only will I be having a brand new baby (that I'm hoping will be a perfect little angel), but I've also committed to a bible study group that will be once a week and I've taken on a leadership position with my MOPS group that I love so much.  I'm going to be in charge of putting together the curriculum for the little ones that attend childcare while their mommy's attend the meetings.  Joining MOPS is really one of the biggest reasons why I enjoy staying at home with Siege so much.  I've met so many great women and formed so many new friendships.  It gives me an outlet to vent my frustrations and an opportunity to learn a ton about motherhood.  I'm really looking forward to the following school year and becoming part of the MOPS leadership team.

Baby Gifford (in the belly) is kicking away at this point.  I've forgotten what a great feeling that is and how much more real it makes pregnancy.

My sister in law graduated from law school this past weekend.  The ceremony was beautiful and it was such a proud moment for all of us.  It's really been inspirational to watch her journey from a first year law student to graduating with honors.  She is definitely one of the most hard working/driven people I have ever known.

Before our big trip to Wyoming this July we've got a few little trips planned with friends.  We are taking Siege camping for a few days in June and we're taking a quick trip to Utah soon.  Lots to look forward to!

P.S. I've been really bad about taking pictures lately. This month I'm going to do much better! This is Siege figuring out he can take his own picture using the iPad.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

San Antonio

Let me start with Texas. It was a blast. Our journey started on a Friday night. We drove 22 hours, strait through to San Antonio. Of course, Siege had to contract some weird gooey eye fungus the day of departure, so we literally left the doctors office two hours before we left for the road. I was very nervous about the drive. Siege is one super busy kid. He doesn't sit very often. But we were equipped with snacks, books, and the super duper iPad. I couldn't believe how great he did. It helped that we stopped to let the kiddos out to run around at a few places, but for the most part he was pretty content with his precious iPad. Who knows what parents did before these remarkable gadgets. We pulled into San Antonio on Saturday night and stayed at a beautiful hotel right off of the River Walk. The River Walk was an absolute highlight for me. It's gorgeous and so well kept. The coolest part about it was watching people just walk and eat right on the River Walk. We finished the night at La Tierra, my favorite restaurant of the trip. I experienced the deliciousness of Tex-Mex. Now, I know what all you Texans are talking about. Throughout the week we visited the Zoo, The Mexican Market place (El Mercado), Austin, the Tower of Americas, Sea World, and had some great BBQ! It will definitely be a trip we never forget. Texas is beautiful.

This next video is from one of the restaurants we ate at. Siege loved the mariachi band so much. We were all a little annoyed because they played right next to us for the entire length of our meal, so we couldn't really talk at all at dinner. Siege however, could have listened to them all night. It was pretty funny.

About 48 hours after getting home, Siege came down with his gooey eye all over again. But this time, worse. Much worse. The poor kid has had a rough month. He's had hives, gooey eye, a double ear infection, more gooey eye and a fever that lasted for days. He's never been this sick.
We've been in quarantine for just about a week now and I think our cabin fever days will soon be over. He's pretty much back to himself. It's a good thing too, because we've got a very busy month ahead of us. We will be finished with swimming lessons in another week and next week starts gymnastics. This month I've got one sister in law leaving for Argentina for a year and another sister in law graduating law school. Chris has also started working on Siege's big boy room.
We're building Siege a little reading nook for his new room and it should be pretty neat when we're done. Then we'll have to make the dreaded move from crib to bed and he's switching rooms all together. Hopefully it's not as bad as I'm anticipating it to be.

We also had a blast watching Siege Easter Egg hunt. It was way more fun than I thought it would be. He picked up the object of finding the eggs right away. Even if he did call all of the eggs "Ba" for ball. Chris and I have also finally found a church that we really like and can see ourselves settling in for a while. We're looking forward to getting both our little ones baptized together in the coming year.

As for the pregnancy, I've been really lucky. It's hard to believe that in just over 5 months we'll have two children. Eeeeek!