Friday, October 12, 2012

Milo's Birth Story

On the morning of September 17, two days before my scheduled induction, I  started having what I thought were contractions. I told Chris before he left for work, "Babe- today could be the day!"   To which he responded, "Yeah, yeah,'ve said that the last two weeks!"
In all honesty, I had been saying that the last two weeks. I had contractions on and off for weeks! By 12:30 pm I started timing my contractions on my phone app. I called Chris and he was pretty insistent on having me go to the hospital. At this point I still wasn't sure it was the real thing because I wasn't in any pain. I called my mom & mother in law to give them a heads up & get my baby sitters for siege in place. They both came strait home from work.  By 2pm I was convinced I wasn't really in labor, my mom was convinced I was. She finally talked me in to calling my doctors office to see what he would suggest. The nurse said to go to the hospital if 

A. You are in intense pain (which I wasn't)
B. My contractions were consistently 4-5 min apart (mine weren't)
C. Your water breaks (definite no)
D. You have more than 6 contractions in an hour 

So, I decided to count how many contractions I had from 2:30-3:30. I had 7. We headed to the hospital- knowing that if I got sent home, I could at least say that the doctor told me to come.  I always envisioned myself getting driven to the hospital and  sitting in the passenger seat doing my deep breathing exercises (like they always do in the movies). I did NONE of that. I felt way too comfortable to be going to the hospital to have a baby.  I even made my mom leave all of our bags in the car. 

It was 4:00 pm when I got there. The nurses looked at me with doubtful eyes. They were pretty sure I wasn't staying based on my completely normal demeanor. I checked into triage and the nurse hooked me up to the monitors. All of a sudden, the contractions started to get a little more intense. She checked me and was shocked to find out I was dilated to 5 CM. 

I immediately got on the phone and told Chris to get to the hospital. They wheeled me into the delivery room and got all my paperwork going.  

I knew the pain was getting more intense because I had to stop giving them information and began breathing through my contractions. 
The next thing I knew my water broke. I started to panic because I knew this baby was coming fast. At 5:30pm Chris arrived. I got my epidural shortly after.  By 6:20 the entire push team was set up and ready and my Ob Gyn came strolling in.  

At 6:39 pm we heard our little miracle cry. It was the most beautiful sound.
They immediately  whisked Milo off to the nursery and began to run their tests.  I cried. For two long hours I waited and prayed that I'd be bringing my healthy baby to post partum with me.

The nurse came in to move me from the delivery room to post partum and I was devastated. I hadn't even really been able to see Milo yet. She decided she'd skip protocol and make a pit stop at the nursery so that I could see him.

As I wheeled in, the results from the scan came back and the nurses were getting instructions from my pediatrician.

He was perfect.

The tests came back completely clear and he was coming back to the room with me. We were discharged 2 days later.

This pregnancy has changed me.  I will never forget the spiritual journey I've experienced these past 9 months.  I will never underestimate the power of prayer and I will forever be grateful to God for allowing me to be the mother of our little miracle, Milo Christopher.


Krista said...

Totally got choked up over this Trace.

So beautiful. So glad everyone is doing well and hope that life with 2 kiddos is nothing but blessings!

Love you guys!

Casey said...

Wow, he did come fast! Yay for being perfect, Milo!!