Friday, August 31, 2012

9 months pregnant: A day in the life...

People take care of you when your pregnant. 
Scene 1: at Golden Spoon Frozen Yogurt-

Me (super pregnant & caving into one of the many sweet cravings I've had the past 9 months): I'll take half peanut butter cup, half caramel  please.
Golden spoon worker: Any toppings?
Me: Yes!! Yes!! I'll take peanut butter cups and hot fudge please!
Golden spoon worker: Peanut butter cups AND hot fudge? Do u want the fudge on top of it too??
Lady behind me in line: Just give her the hot fudge- look at her for goodness sake!!

Scene 2:  Me chasing siege around like a crazy women; possibly one tantrum away from going into labor.

Me: Siege, sit down and stay here!!
Siege: Whaaaaaaa!!! Whaaaaa!!!
DMV worker: Wow, you've got ur hands full!
My dad: Yeah, she's having her new baby just in time. He sure is spoiled!!!
Me: Yes, my hands are full: I've got a 2 year old, a baby due in 3 weeks, and a 66 year old...
DMV worker: We'll get you out of here as soon as we can ma'am!

Scene 3: At a friend's house for lady's night- eating dinner and watching a movie

Tricia: I made cupcakes!!
Me: oh baby those look good!!
Tricia: They're black bottom
Cupcakes with chocolate, cream cheese, chocolate chips...
Me: (completely lost focus and am just staring at the cupcakes) can I have a muffin please?
Tricia: They're cupcakes
Me: oh yeah, can I have a cupcake?

People chatting and laughing...

Lee Ann: Wow! Those went fast!
Me: I had three muffins...
Me: What sounds better, "I ate 3 muffins" or "I ate 3 cup cakes??"
Tricia: Muffins it is!

Scene 4: At child's play with siege

One of the mom's there (we'll call her Judy):
Oh you're pregnant- congrats! What are you having??
Me: We don't know- its a surprise!
Judy: Oh. I could NEVER do that. I'M a PLANNER!!!!
Me in my head: Really? Was that an insult?? Do people automatically assume ur a slacker who doesn't plan stuff if you wait to find out the sex?
Me out loud: Yeah- I'm totally a fly by the seat of my pants kind of girl!!

Scene 5:  6:00 am- siege is awake in his room

Me: Chris are you gonna go get him?
Chris: I would if there weren't icicles dripping off my pillow.
Me: huh??
Chris: it's FREEZING in here!!
Me: I was just gonna tell you to turn on the fan!!!
Chris: I've resorted to having Nadi sleep on top of me every night just to stay warm under her fur coat!


Jamie Giff said...

Hahahahahaha thanks so much for the laughs. Loved muffins and dmv and want to go to golden spoon stat!!

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! That was so funny! I wrote a "What NOT to say to a pregnant woman" at 9 months due to all of the things people would say without thinking.


Krista said...

OMG! I totally missed this post until tonight! Let me just tell you that was SO FUNNY!! Chris says some of the darndest thing and I get to laughing so hard...

LOVED IT LOVED IT! Now that you've made it to Wicked, I'm anxious to see pics of BG! So excited!