Tuesday, August 21, 2012


The moment we got our amazing news about BG... the nesting began.  I think prior to that I was too nervous and worried to get anything done, but as soon as the doc told me everything looked great it was as if something shocked the inside of my brain and said, "Hey- you're going to have a baby in about a month and half and you should probably get some diapers and stuff."

I also never really had an opportunity to "nest" with Siege because he came 6 weeks early and I wasn't even living in a house- we were waiting for our house to be built and I stayed with my mom for the first 2 months of Siege's life.  By the time we got in our home, I just threw up a few pictures and called it a day.

So for the past 3 weeks we, and I say "we" meaning my super talented mother and work horse hubby, have been running around like crazy getting everything ready.  I think I've been to Jo Ann Fabrics more in the past month than I have the past 5 years.  My mom has sewed and sewed and Chris just keeps saying things like, "When is this nesting going to be over?!" and "There's got to be a club for men called, 'Look what Pinterest Project my wife's making me do now' and I think I could be the president of that club."

But I'm thrilled to say BG's room is officially done!  And making a gender neutral room that isn't totally boring, is quite the task.  My brain is still in a pretty good funk from it all.  I went to buy a "Take Baby Home from the hospital" outfit a few days ago.  I found what I thought was a super cute boy outfit in about 3 seconds.  I have tons of boy stuff: toys, clothes, balls, even boy books.  I got the boy-momma roll down!

This entire pregnancy I have completely refrained from buying ANYTHING girl.  But I figured I should probably buy one take home outfit, just incase.  It literally took me 45 minutes to find it and I don't even LOVE it.  Who knew buying girl stuff was so tough?  Then I started thinking this one little outfit is not going to work without a bow, and then- if I have a girl I'm going to need things like diaper covers and bracelets.  The mere thought was a little overwhelming, so I left the store with just the one measly, semi cute newborn outfit and figured my friends with little girls would help me out if BG is a girl.

So here it is, BG's nursery...

Our super green crib!

My mom made all the bedding!

 Hard at work hubby!

Is BG a boy or a girl??  My outfit dilemma!
Oh, and Siege's big brother art project he made for BG is pictured above the shelf.

Reading corner: My talented mamasita recovered the chair!

BG's special scripture on the wall

 Super excited big brother!


Tamara said...

Tracy, this is SO CUTE! I am jealous of your nesting creativity.

Perla Mackenna said...

Beautiful. The room looks so nice. Good job everybody, and I know grandma hands she is very talent.
Good luck with the little one.
So Happy that everything is fine.

Casey said...

Wow, wow, WOW!! That is gorgeous. Nice work!