Thursday, October 18, 2012

Life with 2 kids...

Milo is one month old.  And I know moms say this all the time, but really where does the time go??

1. Pause the Clock-

 I remember not being able to wait until Siege grew into the next phase.
                    "Just make it until 2 months and it will get easier."
                    "Chris, when do you think he'll start laughing?"
                    "When do you think I'll be able to sleep longer than 3 hours in a row?"
With Milo, I literally started tearing up at the thought of having to put him in size 1 diapers.
                    "Chris, he'll never be in newborn size again..."
And every day that passes makes me want to cling to his 'sleep all day', snuggly, 'can't hold my head up' phase of life.  There is something about a brand new baby that makes everyone's heart melt.  Sometimes at night I'll just stare at him in amazement, because he's so tiny.

2.  Super Mommy-

When Siege turned 1 month old, Chris and I looked at each other with amazement.  We were so proud we managed to keep him alive an entire month!  We worried over everything.  If he made even the slightest peep I'd rush over to pick him up.  When Milo cries I think, "Kid, is that the best you got?"
With Siege I remember asking my mom to watch him so that I could take a shower.  As if Siege was going to run out the back door of the house or something.  This time around I feel so much more confident about everything.  I don't have to second guess myself every time he cries.  I already know the differences between his 'I'm hungry' 'I'm gassy,' and his 'My brother just picked me up and dropped me' cries.

3.  Super Daddy-

Chris is super duper Dad.  Chris was pretty much afraid to touch Siege.  He didn't even really change his diaper until he was about 4 months old.  I mostly did everything for Siege because I felt like I was more efficient at it (and yes, everyone told me not to do that).  With Milo, I don't really have a choice.  There are two kids and there's two of us- and we make a damn good team.  Chris and Siege have had some really great father-son time and everyday he tells Milo all about how he's going to be a daddy's boy.

4.  Super Siege-

I am shocked at how well Siege has adjusted to life with Milo.  It seems like he already can't remember the days where it was just him and me.  He constantly wants to help by giving him his binky or grabbing me the burp cloth.  He always lets me know when Milo's crying.  A friend of mine came over to visit.  She held Milo (who was hungry and ready to eat) and Milo started crying.  Siege freaked out.  He was genuinely concerned that she might steal our baby.  "Mama, Ah-wo (Siege's name for Milo), Mama, Ah-wo!!!" And Siege didn't stop crying until I took Milo from her.  Siege loves taking baths with Ah-wo too.  And yes, he has even picked up and dropped his brother already.

So overall, we are loving life with two kiddos.  We certainly don't get as much sleep, and grocery shopping is quite the ordeal, but it has brought us all closer together.

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