Friday, August 12, 2011

The Bling.

Over the last few weeks I have started to realize that my baby just isn't a baby anymore. I know a lot of women say "it happens too fast" and "time slow down," but I honestly didn't really feel like that until this last week or so as I was rocking my ginormous baby in my arms. I looked down and noticed that I couldn't see any of me anymore. It was all Siege... long, chunky Siege. He's in the 90th percentile now and he can WALK. And when I hold him I see that my little baby is rapidly turning into a toddler. Chris and I have been married for 5 years now and I swear the first 4 years of our marriage didn't go this fast. But when you can see time in little human form- it's a little scary.

Which brings me to my next topic- our five year anniversary. That's right, 5 years this month, and we've been together 9 years (over 1/3 of my life). Everyday I count my blessings that I have been lucky enough to find such a wonderful man. We are a perfect match in every way. He compliments my high strung- erratic behavior with a calmness that soothes my soul. And I put a little pep in his step. For our five year anniversary I got a new wedding ring. When Chris and I got engaged 5 years ago, I was 20 and he was 21. I was working at a bridal shop and Chris was going to school. We knew we were going to have to save our pennies if we were going to get married as young a we did. My ring was beautiful, but Chris always said one day I'd wake up and there'd be a big rock that replaced mine. Of course, I didn't care- it suited me well. But when he started hinting at a new ring a few months back I got a little excited. We started going into ring shops just to look around. All the salesman would greet us with the same line,
"You two engaged, Congratulations!"
And then Chris would inform them,
"No, we're already married and it's our five year anniversary so we're looking for an upgrade." One guy said in reply,
"Man, you're smart. Give her the 5 year trial period first and then give her the real bling. I know an awful lot of men who probably wished they would've done that."
He's the guy that ended up selling us our ring. I guess I'm glad I made it through the trial run.

Anyway, Chris sure makes me one happy woman... and not just because he picked out this beautiful ring for me. The morning of our anniversary I woke up from a deep sleep to see Chris kneeling down on the floor next to my side of the bed. He had this frustrated look on his face. After I wiped the drool off my pillow, I asked him what the heck he was doing. He informed me that for the past 1/2 hour he was trying to get my old ring off my finger and the new ring on without me waking up, but as he put it, "You're finger is just too fat." So even though I didn't wake up with my new big rock on my finger, it was still a good try.


Casey said...

Oh my gosh, GORGEOUS!!!! Congratulations on the five years!! And how cute of him to try and surprise you with it on your finger...haha. But really, it's amazingly beautiful!

Rachel Lybbert said...

Wow, your ring is stunning!! And congrats on your five years--that's fantastic!!

Krista said...

Chris is so cute and you two are so perfect for each other! Beautiful ring!!

Chauntel and Matthew said...

Oh my... I am quite jealous. The ring is GORGEOUS and your husband is a doll for trying to surprise you with it. Nine years??? That is so amazing Tracy. Congrats you two.