Sunday, December 13, 2009

School Days

My goal this school year has been to not take any sick days. My students have even said, "Mrs. Gifford, all of my teachers have been absent this year except you." To which I respond, "That's right...I'll be here EVERYDAY of your life!!!!!"
Well, last week, the learning strategist at my school asked if I could request a sub for Tuesday of this week and sit in on special education meetings all day. I quickly jumped at the opportunity because I can use all of those hours for my admin class. Unfortunately this breaks my promise to my students of being in class everyday, so I decided to use my technology skills to put together a video. Brinley Middle School Students have been notoriously bad for substitutes. I used to be a sub, so I know the horror that can come from the little angels. I decided my students needed some real incentives for good behavior. Watch and see.


Lindsay Miller said...

OH MY GOSH!!! That was awesome! Tracy, you are hilarious! I have to admit, though...I was a little scared. In fact, I may even have soiled myself. And I'm not even in your class! Way to be tough!

Unknown said...

You are pretty much the coolest teacher ever. If I had ever had you, you definitely would have been my favorite!

Krista said...

So I watched your video like 3 times already! That was so cool. I can tell just by that video that you are a great teacher. Maybe you could teach me a thing or two! While I think I do pretty well on keeping the kids engaged and learning, my classroom management is still lacking.

Only 4 days til break! YAY!! Hope you make it through this week ok and that your kids aren't all mentally on break already!

Jamie said...

You are AWESOME. I mean, I already knew you were awesome, so it shouldn't come as such a surprise, but the extent of your awesomeness only just now struck me as I watched that video. :) Te quiero.

Tricia G said...

That is hilarious! You are so clever! I'm curious how that turned out!