Sunday, October 23, 2011

Super Siege

It seems like this past month has been huge for Siege in terms of development. He can clap his hands, which I've heard some babies do at like 9 months but Siege just started and now he loves to clap all the time. He also has started waving hello and shaking his head no. Of course he doesn't perform on command or else I would have had video of all this to share with you. He is too busy for pictures these days so all of his pictures end up looking like a big blur. I think that means I may have to resort to a real camera and not only depend on my iphone. He is loving the backyard and is finally walking sturdy enough to not fall over at each bump in the sidewalk- which minimizes my panic attacks by almost 50%. Siege has finally mastered "mama" and "dada" and he uses them when he wants our attention, but also when he wants Nadi's attention or grandma's attention, so we're giving him partial credit. For the past week he has been waking up between 6:45 & 7:00 which is sooooooo much better than the 5:15- 5:30 (pre-sun) wake up call I had been getting.

On my end, I'm still going strong with the running. I did 7 miles on Saturday and I've got 8 for the long run this week. Chris and I also got a living social deal for CrossFit. We've done it 3 times now, and each time we've been pathetically (can't even pick up Siege) sore afterward. My mom has committed to babysitting for us 3 times a week so Chris and I can work out together. Chris and I have never worked out together unless you count golf as working out, which was years ago, so spending this new time together has been really fun.
Halloween is coming up and we are definitely looking forward to some trick-or-treating and parties! Here's a little sneak peak of Super Siege!


Casey said...

Tracy, you've got to be kidding...Eli is also going to be Superman...our lives are so similar!! ha!!

moreofmeganddave said...

Love reading your blog! You have such a funny sense of humor. We love that little Siegers, he is such a happy kiddo!

Unknown said...

Casey- you crack me up! That is too funny and thanks Megan!