Thursday, October 13, 2011

Confessions of a lazy mother...

Lately- I have been in a funk. I'm hoping I can write the funk right out of me. I haven't coupon'd in several weeks, my eating habits/choices have been horrendous, and I am feeling tired all the time (which is most likely linked to my Cheezit diet). My only redeeming quality that I can feel semi-proud of is that I've stuck to my running/training schedule. It's saving me right now.

Today, at our MOPS meeting, we had a nutritionist come talk to us about the importance of feeding your kids fruits and vegetables, small portions, less preservatives etc. and what a big impact diet can have on behavior. It made me realize what a horrible planner I am when it comes to meals. I mean, Siege can down a can of spaghetti O's like nobody's business. The speaker had some really good ideas of how to spice up kids' lunches with variety. My favorite idea was her "Go to drawer". She says she has a drawer in her fridge and a basket in her pantry that her kids are allowed in when they say, "Mom, I'm hungry!" The drawers are loaded with fruits, veggies, nuts, deli meat, hummus, homemade cereal bars, etc. Anyway, obviously Siege doesn't say, "Mom, I'm hungry," but I was thinking I need a drawer like that for me- where everything else (dove chocolate, tortilla chips, Milano cookies, ) is off limits.
She also talked about how the serving size for toddlers is a Tablespoon! That's right, I said a Tablespoon. Siege ate about 1 cup of Mac n Cheese today. And, in my head I would justify it by saying, he'll just be hungry later if I don't keep feeding him.
Until the speaker said, "...And if you're feeding your child large portions because you're afraid they'll be hungry later- you must realize, they're supposed to be hungry later. Their stomachs are the same size as their fist."

It's scary to think I'm passing on my lazy eating habits to innocent Siege. He's not even demanding the pizza and french fries yet, but I'm passing them right on over because I don't plan healthy meals ahead, especially for lunches. Poor kid. And I don't even have the "I've got a newborn that doesn't let me sleep" excuse or the "I've got 2+ kids and no time to prepare" excuse. I've just got one- that still takes 2 naps daily. Plenty of time indeed.

Well, this debbie downer is turning her frown upside down. Good eating starts tomorrow! Well, maybe Monday...


Jamie Giff said...

But the Milano cookies amd Dove chocolate are so yummy!! :p Yeah I'm terrible I need to start eating better too. And thats a good idea - much better than going straight to the ice cream everytime I want a snack (which is usually twice a day!). Let me know what you put in yours if you start doing it!

Casey said... you're really just supposed to feed your kid one tablespoon of something?? Eli is already past that...

Good post. Good goals. I love the idea of a "Go-to" drawer for myself, also. I eat one too many pieces of toast throughout the day... :-)

Krista said...

You aren't the only mama in the world that gets in a funk. I've been there this week too. Our house was a total mess from Tuesday night through yesterday afternoon. I ALWAYS clean up when the girls go to bed, but didn't the last couple everywhere, dishes piled up, crumbs and nastiness all over the kitchen. All I've wanted to do is sleep. And my eating hasn't been the best behavior. But at the end of the day, my kids are taken care of, safe, and happy. That's all I can ask for. Forgive yourself, it happens to the best of us :)

far as lunches...for me, when we don't have healthy left overs...I will give Leah things like a string cheese, piece of lunch meat, a few gold fish crackers, and some fruit. She has fruit or veggies with every meal. If Patrick and I are just eating pizza, Leah gets pizza and apple sauce or canned peaches or something in addition. I always make sure her meals are well rounded (have something from most food groups), even if mine aren't. Maybe you could just start doing that. If you don't have fresh fruit, frozen or canned works.

lauren said...

That picture made me laugh. So cute!!

Chauntel and Matthew said...

I am totally having the same problem. I hate going to the kitchen to find Abigail something to eat and I am choosing between grilled cheese and nuggets. I'm with you though.. good eating habits starting tomorrow. Your post inspired it! Thanks!