On a side note, I just want to brag about my friends and family real quick. First of all, as many of you know, I live on the same street with some of my family and we've recently made a commitment, with some other amazing women, to get together as a group monthly. The guys are even getting together monthly and I'm really excited about it! I know some families can't even sit in the same room with each other and I'm so grateful that we know how to have a good time together. We've got some pretty outlandish activities I'm looking forward to and one of them just might include the phrase...Vegas Stripper University. Stay tuned for some future posts on that!
I have also met some incredible stay-at- home moms this past year that I've become really close with. We usually get together at least once a week and each week I get so excited about the play dates! Siege loves it too of course, but sometimes I think- Geez, I'd want to be a part of this play group even if I didn't have a kid! We also have some fantastic girls' nights out. The last time we went out together I didn't get home until 12:30 AM! Most people call me Grandma (I could go to bed at 8:30 every night), so when I got home past midnight I felt like I was sneaking in from curfew! It's crazy to think I probably would have never met these women if I didn't have Siege and now they've become some of my best friends. There's reason number 3524651654 that Siege has enriched my life.
So, what have I been up to lately? Well- I decided a few days ago that I was going to do another 1/2 marathon. It's December 4th (14 weeks away) and the course is the entire Las Vegas Strip. I've talked a few people into doing it with me, including my husband! I think I blogged about my last 1/2 marathon way back when, it didn't go quite as planned. I mean who plans to puke their guts out at mile 12? And after the race I repeatedly vowed to NEVER do another. "Never say never," my mom would always say. This time, I'm hoping it will go puke-free. No guarantees though. I started my training on Sunday with a 3 mile run. Pushing my little chunker up the hill isn't the easiest, but we made it! After I finished on Sunday I thought- Really? 10 more miles?? But you gotta start somewhere.
I've also started couponing. I took a couponing class about a week ago and I've decided I want to be on TV. Joking, but I do really want to save some skrillah if I can.
I just looked the word "skrillah" up in the urban dictionary for spelling purposes. Incase you're wondering variations of the word skrillah include skriller, skrill-dizzle and skahrill. Strait from Urban dictionary-
"If I don't get my skrillah by midnight, y'all gonna get capped!!"
Anyway, couponing...it doesn't seem too hard, or I should say, it seems like it's getting easier everyday. By the way, I'm collecting coupons now, so if you get the Sunday paper (I think it comes in your junk mail too) and don't use your Smart Source, Red Plum, or P & G, I would love to come dig it out of your trash can.
Last week was pretty miserable for Siegers... and me. Let's just say lots of Pedialite was involved, my washing machine was tested to its true limits, and I could smell the surprise I was walking into from across the house. He had a lot of rice that week. Glad we made it through that!

On Saturday, we had Siege's 1st year photo shoot. I had to get them done a little early in time for his birthday invitation. I haven't seen all the photos yet but my photographer (who also happens to be my lovely neighbor) Lisa Deering, sent me a sneak peak and I love it!
I can't believe my baby is going to be 1!