Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Chee-kah-Go (as my mom would say)

I've been home almost a full week now and I am finally starting to feel back to normal. The trips were amazing, but they really took it out of me. Traveling with a baby is no easy task. Don't get me wrong, Siege was really great those two weeks, but babies are just demanding. When they want to eat they want to eat 10 minutes ago and it doesn't matter if you're riding the subway or in the Van Gogh room at the Art institute or that it's 4AM and you just got home at midnight. My bubba likes to eat and when he's full he's happy, but when he's hungry he turns into Baby Evil. Good thing I packed lots of food.

I guess I'll start with Chicago. My mom told me she was going a few months back and I sort of invited myself on the trip. "Well, I stay at home now, and Chris is working that whole week..." So, when she asked if I wanted to go, I jumped at the opportunity. I had never been to Chicago and I wasn't expecting it to be as awesome as it was. The city is so old and beautiful. And just amidst all the skyscraper flows the Chicago River. I have decided that taking the architectural tour down that river was one of my favorite things. While you're listening to the tour guide talk about all the beautiful buildings you get an aroma of chocolate from the chocolate factory that operates close to the river. Just wonderful.

The Willis, formely known as the Sears, Tower was another highlight. It has these glass decks you can stand on and see strait down to the street. Very freaky. I also learned that when it gets windy the top of the tower can move up to 18 inches. Thank God it was a wind-free day. I was dizzy just looking out into the city, I can't imagine moving.

There's nothing like Chicago Deep Dish Pizza. It's so good! I've been dreaming about it ever since we got home. It's more of like a pie crust, but layered with deliciousness. I had two massive slices.

Going to Wrigley Field was one of the first things we did.

It was so fun to watch the game with a Chicago hotdog in hand (Seriously, the food was just what I was hoping for, however my waste line doesn't feel the same way about it). Plus, the Cubs were playing the Yankees and they won! And I can't forget to mention Uncle Wally. Yes, I carried Uncle Wally's ashes into the ball game so that Dennis' family could spread them onto Wrigley Field. This was also a little freaky. But, it was the man's dying wish. Glad my diaper bag could be of service. Oh, and a man's ashes looks an awful lot like baby formula. I'm pretty sure we dumped the right ziplock bag.

We went to the Shedd Aquarium, which I think was my favorite of all the places on our city pass. The Jellies Exhibit was so neat. The Field museum was a close second. Our last day there was spent at Six Flags. I hadn't been since high school and I'd forgoten how much I love roller coasters. I had a blast that day, while my mom got some quality grandma time in.

A big Thank you goes out to Aunt Kathy for letting us stay at her house for the duration of the week. She has this amazing Great Dane that loved Siegers. He was about as big as a pony. Her home was beautiful, lots of trees.

I guess I will save San Diego for another post, since my Sieger's is up from his nap. While we were away he said 2 words, "No" and "Mama" (not really sure I can count them officially) and got 3 more teeth! He's 9 months today.

1 comment:

Casey said...

How fun! I think Eli will be like Siege as far as the food thing goes. Happy as can be, then the next second screaming bloody murder like, "Why haven't you fed me yet?" haha. Glad you had a good time!