Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Life with my 3 BOYS

It's been a very long time since my last post, but I truly can sum up the last four months in one single word...EXHAUSTION.  I was reading a few earlier posts that I had written when Milo was first born.  They said something to the effect of "This mother of two thing is so easy." and "I don't know why I thought it was so hard when Siege was a baby." Well, I remember now.

The first three months were bliss.  I toted Milo everywhere with me in the car seat.  Milo slept all day on and off.  I still got to spend a lot of my time focusing on Siege, because Milo was so easy going.  Then Christmas hit.  We got sick, the four month wakeful stage about made me lose my mind, and after weeks and weeks of racking my brain on every possible reason of why my kid went from Smilo to Crylo EVERY night, we discovered he had a pretty gnarly case of acid reflux.

I could tell you about the nights Chris and I spent taking turns bouncing and rocking and finally driving Milo around, or about the 4:45 AM wake up calls my 2.5 year old decides to have every now and then, or about how about how there's a real possibility that my IQ levels have dropped significantly from this lack of sleep, but I'm not sure how much evidence I want of those memories.  I think I'd prefer if my mommy amnesia kicked in.
So, here we are... March, and I somehow have made it out of the twilight zone and back to reality.

The HIGHLIGHTS of our winter.

Milo is the most animated, interactive baby EVER.  Seriously.  I can get him to laugh at the drop of a hat.  I sometimes envision him becoming a comedian, because the kid already has such a great sense of humor.  He thinks watching me raise my eyebrows is hysterical, but the cutest thing is when he cracks up at Siege.  Siege peeing, Siege in the bathtub, Siege watching TV, it's all so funny to Milo.  I also feel like he is developing at alarming rates.  I half expect him to be speaking in sentences next week.  He sits up, grabs everything and is already in the "Oops, my child just rolled of the bed" phase.  I ADORE his personality.  He is happy to just sit and watch.  As for who he looks like, we get such mixed reviews, but my favorite is when people say he looks JUST like me.  

We took Siege to Disneyland last month.  He loved it!  It was heart warming watching him light up every time a giant Disney character walked by.  This child is a thrill seeker.  He loved the roller coaster, but will tell you his favorite "ride" was the train that circles all of Disneyland.  The conductor let him say, "All Aboard" into the microphone thingy.  My child loves trains almost as much as he loves his mama.  And if you've seen some of the mama's boy fits he's thrown lately (Moooooommmmmmyyyyyy!!!  Moooooooommmmmyyy!!!), you'd know that was A LOT.  He is constantly talking now, which is exciting.  He is a chocoholic.  Soccer is currently his favorite sport.  He is a GREAT little helper.  The other day I was getting ready in my bedroom while my two kiddos were in the living room.  I hear this quick pitter patter through the house.  It was Siege.  He ran to grab Milo a burp cloth to wipe the spit up off his face.  That's love.

Chris has recently started Cross fitting again, which is exciting.  We've come up with a routine that allows us both to work out 3 times a week.  He is super dad.  If I ever have a MOPS meeting or a girls night, the best part of the evening is always coming home to a house of sleeping children.  He's amazing at his job and has a ton of responsibility, but still manages to get everything done around the house.  Chris is my rock.  I'm pretty sure I would've checked in to a mental institution if I didn't have him these last 4 months.  I could cry, and sometimes do cry, thinking about how blessed I am to have him.

Mama Bear:
I have pretty much been flying by the seat of my pants since becoming a mama of two.  I love going to BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) & have grown so much in my faith. MOPS, at times, has taken over my life.  I have amazing friends that constantly help me be a better mom and person, and they make me laugh when motherhood gets hard.  My mom and I have pretty much become inseparable.  I've gotten Mastitis twice.  I quit breast feeding.  I got addicted to Downton Abbey.


Bring on Spring!

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