Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Samuel 1:27

We prayed for this Child and the Lord granted us what we asked of Him.
Samuel 1:27

The weekly ultrasounds have zapped the fun out of this pregnancy.  Each week sitting in the waiting room of the high risk doctor's office, I felt as if a new bomb was about to be dropped on me and I had to mentally prepare myself for the worse.  I tried to remind myself that whatever the doctor was about to reveal to me, was already happening in my body and KNOWING the information wasn't going to change the situation, but I have come to realize that ignorance is bliss.  Today, was like the rest of the appointments.  I sat nervously waiting for the nurse to call my name and when she did I headed to get BG's lung mass measured... again.   The ultrasound technician checked for extra fluid around the baby and any signs of hydrops first (the early signs of heart failure in the baby) and didn't find any, then moved to the lung mass.  But to our surprise she couldn't find it.  She told me that the mass was not standing out like it normally does and she couldn't see exactly what to measure.  Next she called for another technician to see if she was missing something.  That nurse came in and said, "I don't see anything.  What side was it on?  I'll go get the doctor."
When Dr. I came in he said it looked like the mass had disappeared.  He scanned the area around the lung and said, "There may be something small hiding under the heart, we won't know until a CT scan is taken at birth, but I think you're in the clear!  You guys should celebrate!"

I immediately started to bawl.  I felt like my heart had exploded with joy and thankfulness.  I know that the doctor had told me at 22 weeks that the mass could spontaneously resolve itself, but after weeks of "It looks like it's grown" and "No Change" I started to assume our BG would be born with a large mass in his/her lung.  I certainly did not think it would go from a large mass I could pick out every appointment to undetectable on the screen, in a matter of one week.

So, after I cried all the tears left in my body, nearly risking dehydration, we are definitely celebrating!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

God's plan for our family

Wednesday marks the 30-week pregnancy mark, which is pretty fantastic news!  

While this summer has been filled with repeated hospital visits and doctors appointments- one thing is for sure... My faith has never been stronger.  Thank you; thank you for all your prayers and words of encouragement.  I feel like I have definitely been on a spiritual journey this past year and while this pregnancy has brought me months of concern and worry it has also revealed a new part of myself that has brought Chris and me closer to the Lord.  

At the end of June my dad went into cardiac arrest and had to be resuscitated with CPR and a defibrillator.  His kidneys and brain suffered some very intense trauma that has led the doctors to conclude he has suffered some brain damage.  Visiting my dad at the hospital has been an emotional roller coaster these last few weeks.  He was intubated and sedated for 2 weeks and when he finally came off the sedation it was clear he was not himself.  However, we have since seen a pretty consistent improvement in his cognitive abilities.  He will soon be moved to a rehabilitation center where he will hopefully continue to improve both physically as well as mentally.  My brother has been by my dad's side daily advocating for his best care.  Watching my brother take on this responsibility with such love and devotion has given me a new found appreciation for him and has brought our family closer together.

When BG was first diagnosed with CCAM a very good friend of mine sent me a set of comfort cards.  Each day you read a new card with a different message.  Sometimes they have scriptures and other times just positive thoughts for the day.  Last week, after a very difficult day at the hospital visiting with my dad, I came home to the following card,
         “In God’s Plan, Every Life is Long Enough.  Although you and I might wish for a longer life, God knows better.”
We continue to pray for my dad’s mental and physical health and trust God’s plan for our family.

The past few weeks have shown no growth in BG’s lung mass, which is pretty positive news.  My OBGYN let me know at my last visit that the plan will be to induce labor at 39 weeks, on a weekday, in the daytime so that all the necessary surgeons and physicians will be ready and waiting for our little miracle. 
BG saying prayers in my belly!

Besides being at the doctor’s office and hospital this past month and a half, we also went on our first camping trip!  We all had so much fun.  Siege was entertained for hours just playing with dirt!  We went on hikes and nature walks with the kiddos, made some pretty great meals and enjoyed spending time with some really close friends.  I can definitely see our family getting into camping!  We might even be looking into pop up tent trailers for next summer. 
Little Campers

First dutch oven meal- chocolate cake!  Siege couldn't wait!

I also had the opportunity to attend a MOPS retreat at the end of June, where the MOPS leadership team worked together to plan events and meetings for the upcoming year.   I really enjoyed getting to know the wonderful women at the retreat and I’m so thankful for the joy, friendship, and faith that MOPS has brought to my life. 

Siege went to his very first movie last week where he got to watch Yogi Bear.  I was pretty shocked by how well he did!  He’s also loved this monsoon season of rain we’ve been getting and is so curious about the falling “Agua” from the sky. 
Yogi Bear
Loving the rain!

In other news, Chris has been working relentlessly on Siege’s new big boy room.  I can’t wait to post pictures of the finished product.  It tuned out amazing.  My hubby is one talented guy.  It looks like we will be transitioning to a new big boy bed and room next week!  Eeeek!