For the past week we've been in Florida! Earlier this year we set up a a plan with 3 other couples to go to Orlando and visit Harry Potter Land (Universal Studios) and Disney World. Besides the ridiculously humid temperature and the nasty Florida tap water the trip was a blast. We started our journey in Harry Potter Land which was extremely crowded but just like the movie set. Here I enjoyed my first taste of Butter Beer... delicious! The shops were really cool. They sold Bertie Botts every flavor Jelly Beans (we tasted them and some are truly disgusting), chocolate frogs and pretty much everything from the books. Of course, being 6 months pregnant, I couldn't ride many of the rides but I enjoyed watching the shows and hanging out with everyone.
I also got the iphone 4 which is the BEST! I went from 250 text messages a month to the world of 3G and I love it! If anyone has any good app recommendations let me know! We also went to Daytona Beach which was beautiful.

The water was perfect and not even one Sting Ray attack! We headed over to Disney World after where I got to enjoy the beautiful Animal Kingdom, which was my favorite amusement park.

It was so cool to see the animals close up. We saw gorillas, giraffes, a baby elephant and mommy, tons of gators, and much more. Epcot was pretty fun and different. Lots of futuristic simulations that I could participate in.

Finally the Magic Kingdom, which is just like Disney Land... super fun! Our resort was gorgeous. I loved just hanging by the pool and relaxing. Now that the trip is over it's time to get back to work! I've got lots to do in my classroom before school starts! I can't believe how fast the summer went. I have a feeling the rest of this pregnancy is going to fly by!