Sunday, January 15, 2012

5 + 1

So my mom asked me the other day in her Mexican-Bostanian accent,
"Traaacy, you quit you blog?"
The answer is no, I didn't quit my blog, I just feel like I haven't been able to sit down for longer than 5 minutes for the last 3 months of Siege's life. He is one busy boy, which results in one tired momma. Anyway, I kept getting ideas of a million different things I wanted to write about and update everyone on, and the longer I put the blogging off, the more overwhelmed I became. I didn't want to write down 20 pages of information from the holidays and our lives the last few months so I decided to pick 5 pictures (yes, only 5 from my 500 I've taken in the last few months) to give a little glimpse into what life has been like lately.

1. Every time I turn my back on Siege he's climbing onto something new. You should have seen how proud he was of himself after he finally got to the plastic utensils. I guess that was better than the butcher knife he grabbed from the top rack of the dishwasher a few weeks ago. Needless to say, this kid has a new bruise everyday. We got him a plastic slide to play on that's in our backyard. He just loves climbing up and down the stairs and going down the slide everyday, almost as much as he loves climbing on the table.

2. This picture was taken on Christmas morning. My dad got him this pony. He wanted to be at our house bright and early to see the expression on his face when he got to see all his presents. Chris and I got him a toy motorcycle thingie that has a little motor. Siege ripped open the half wrapped gift and wanted to ride it right away. Of course, we didn't realize you had to charge it for 6 hours before riding it. Lesson learned. Anyway, after ripping that present away from him to go charge it, the tantrum erupted. He didn't care about his slide or pony after that. I think gifts will probably be a little more fun next year. I must say that Chris and I had the best Christmas holiday we've had... ever. We saw tons of Christmas lights, did the Chocolate factory, the Magical forest, Springs preserves, and just took it all in. Christmas is 1000 times better when you have a child. Plus Chris had pretty much the entire month of December off (I think he worked 3 days). We are already excited for next year. We did some after Christmas shopping. Chris plans on channeling Clark Griswold next year.

3. Each day I make sure we take some sort of adventure to get some of Siege's energy out. Child's play is one of the places we usually go. It's an indoor park and there are a lot of other toddlers there that Siege likes to interact with. He loves any and all slides so we do a lot of park adventures. I've been taking him to the day care at the gym lately, which has a play center for the kiddos, and we've been on lots of play dates. Just a few days ago I caught Siege playing Peek-a-boo with his friend Natalie. It's funny to see how even a 1 year old can socialize. He's very social. And he loves food. And he's hyper. I tell Chris all the time, he may look like you, but he definitely has his mom's personality. Either that, or I am just very toddler-like.

4. Siege's 1st haircut. It was going great until they put that body cover thing on him. They had to bring out the big guns and give him a lollipop. That worked until they sprayed him with the water. Then they just had to cut as fast as they could, which means they didn't get to cut off as much as I would've liked, which means we get to endure this wonderful experience again very soon. Add that on to the list of my favorite activities- that and the doctors office. For his last check up at the pediatrician's office he started screaming as soon as the doctor got out his stethoscope. He's getting shots tomorrow. I'll be in mourning.

5. I got a new crockpot a few weeks ago and have been going to town on it these last few days. Chris had been eating Chunky soup for lunch and dinner at work so I decided I better get cookin! Who knew it was so simple?? I'm not a cook, incase you were wondering. I'm a morning person- by the time dinner time comes around, I'm exhausted and never want to cook anything. Cooking everything in the morning has been great for me. In the last 4 days I've made Beef Stroganoff, Tortilla Soup, Chicken Taco Chili, and tonight it's Lasagna. Go me. All the recipes are very simple with very few ingredients and they're all Pinterest. If you've got any easy delicious ones you've made lately, throw them my way. I'd be happy to share any of the crockpot ones I've made.

5 + 1. Oh yeah, one more thing... Siege is getting cuter everyday. I love him so much and I'm very lucky to be his mom.