Thursday, November 3, 2011

Siege's 1st shiner

Siege has officially gotten his first shiner. What crazy things has my little guy been up to that would cause such a traumatic event??
1. Siege climbs onto anything and everything, including but not limited to couches, chairs, slides, stairs, dishwashers and toys.
2. The doggy door is one of Siege's favorite sources of entertainment. Our doggy door is raised off the ground which makes crawling through it a little more challenging than you would imagine.
3. He purposely bonks his head on brick walls, people, & doors. Then he gets this giant grin on his face like he's the funniest person ever for thinking up this incredible new trick. I'm giving G-G-pa credit for showing him this one.
4. He now tries to climb into the bath tub on his own, but attempts this by sort of planking the edge of the tub and then teetering back and forth until he eventually falls face first into the tub.

... yet none of these wild toddler behaviors were the cause. His mother dropped him...on his face...on the tile. make matters worse as Siege was screaming his, I'm turning bright red, not really breathing, kind of cry, I nonchalantly calmed him down as if it were no big deal. Then as I went to change his diaper I saw the damage that I had done. A giant blood pocket started to form below his eye. I called Chris before putting Siege in his car seat and driving him strait to the ER.

"He's got his first black eye!" said Chris excitedly as I stood by the changing table in horror...
There goes my chances at mother of the year.