I've also gotten to the half-way point for my masters program and have earned 16 credits towards my administration degree. I'm so glad I decided to bite the bullet and get that over with. It hasn't been too difficult and I've gotten some great information along the way.
We recently went to the doctor to check the sex of the baby. I was only 16 weeks and the doctor wasn't sure if he was seeing a little "unit" or the umbilical cord. Towards the end he said he thought this baby Gifford was a boy, but he was only 60% sure. We go in again June 24th for my big ultrasound. Hopefully we will find out for sure then. I'm starting to get pretty excited for the new addition to our family and I think I have begun to feel the baby move. I just can't get over how faint the movements feel considering the baby is supposed to be the size of an open hand at this point. I am still in the "fat" stage- and you mothers out there know what I'm talking about. This is the stage where I just look fat and don't look pregnant yet. It's an in-between stage and I don't like it! However whenever I talk to mothers about just feeling "fat" they tell me I haven't experienced anything yet!
Well now that summer's here (and it's really here- 105 degrees already in LV) I'll try to keep updating more frequently!
Graduation Day
Floor Plan