I have been an extremely lazy blogger these days. I keep looking at other blogs thinking that I should write out a new post, but I just haven't had the time and frankly when I do get time I just want to lay on the couch and veg. That is what the 7th grade will do to you. 7th grade is filled with ups and downs. Some days I'll come home so physically exhausted and I’ll think that it’s too much work, and the next day I'll come home thinking I'm making a difference. The best thing about teaching middle school is that you get to catch them before it's too late. When I taught high school seniors, I felt like I was sending them out into the real world whether they were ready or not. I really think my time at Brinley thus far has been well spent. I feel like I'm lighting a fire under their butts and making an impression on their lives before it's too late.
Anyway, last week for my admin maters project I had to create a power point for the “staff of my school” for a professional development day. I decided that teachers at Brinley fill out too much paper work. We look at test scores and data analysis all of the time, and sometimes it’s hard to remember why we do it all. We forget that the kids are our first priority. Below you’ll find a video of my students and their opinions of great teachers. They're actually pretty entertaining.
In other news, Nadia graduated from her training class. Being a teacher, I know how important school is, so her next training class starts October 31st. We’re enrolling her in agility training. I think she’ll be pretty good at it and it’ll keep her on her toes. I snuck my camera in to post a few clips of her in action.
I also cut my hair within the last week…. it’s pretty drastic. I’ve heard it all from my

students. When you’re 12 years old you just don’t have a filter yet. Some of their comments included, “WHAT DID YOU DO?” and “HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE TO GROW BACK??” or “You just had such pretty hair BEFORE.” “You look kind of like my mom.” Well, I’m finally getting used to it, and it’s been pretty functional for my training. My next tri is on October 17th. It’s going to be pretty tough…I’ll be sure to let you know how it goes.